Our team, THE MELTERS, is so excited to see the results of the weigh-in on Saturday! Even if we don't take home the grand prize of $1000, we've already WON big time! Collectively, we are down almost 50 pounds so far, and there are 4 days left (and we still have our Shakeology Cleanse coming up in the final stretch)! Today's workout is Cardio Power & Resistance...here is the warm up:
Jog/sprint/Power Jacks/123-123/Butt Kicks/High Knees/Vertical Jumps (X3)
Yes, that is only the warm up!
I can't say I love waking up between 4:30 & 5:00 each morning to work out, but for me it was the best way to stay accountable, with a set time each day, and get it DONE before LIFE happens and distracts me. So yes, I take a few minutes to start each day, but after I actually do it, I'm so happy I forced myself to keep going.
Pre-workout: I still have that little fight with the voice in my head, almost everyday...
(Alarm rings...)"Get UP! Time for your workout"
"Noooo...ugh... (press snooze button)..maybe I can squeeze it in later on this afternoon"
"Get UP NOW, you know you'll find some other excuse, you won't have time, you'll be too tired later, etc." (sometimes press snooze button again...)
(dialog continues... - this may go on for 15 minutes or so...)
"OK, already, I'm up, I'm UP!" (log on to WOWY.com to find out which DVD Shaun T. has in store for me today - sometimes check facebook/twitter/email...ok, then I finally BEGIN!)
Ok, so I'm human! Getting up before the birds to workout is still NOT an automatic thing for me, but once I've done it, I am so glad I fought with "the voice" - and WON!
After the workout...stretch, shower, sometimes jump on scale or take measurements, smile at myself for anther day closer to my goal. :) Grateful for the voice...keeps me on my toes and provides that push I need. I can also visualize what the other members of the teams in the challenge are doing at that moment, and by the looks of their facebook posts, they are killing it. So, really, do I have a choice? We must WIN this thing (or at least come close)!
Here's my results of day 1/day 14 Insanity Fit Test:
Switch Kicks Day: 1 97/Day 14: 125
Power Jacks Day 1: 50/Day 14: 70
Power Knees Day 1: 85/Day 14: 106
Globe Jumps Day 1: 10/Day 14: 11 (these are really hard for me! hahaha)
Suicide Jumps Day 1:10/Day 14: 14
Push up Jacks Day 1: 7/Day 14: 14
Low Plank Oblique Day 1: 20/Day 14: 40
Today is day 23, so another Fit Test is coming soon....can't wait to see my #s!
Until tomorrow...here's to health!
Awesome Laurie! You are an inspiration!!! I am so glad to be on your team! And yes we are all winners... Let's keep it up! Dionne...