Go beyond what makes you comfortable. Open yourself to ideas, events, relationships that make you uncomfortable. Travel places where you know no one. Learn another language. Create art, even though you’re not an artist. Argue with people. Fall down. Get up. Read books, all sorts of books.
— Juan Williams during his commencement speech at Whitman College

Comfort zone? I often hear people talking about how great it is to step out of it. Honestly, I never really felt the need. Until I tried it. I recently read an article on this topic, where the author compared life to a pot of water. Leave water sitting in a pot for two or three days and the stagnate water starts to smell bad. So what happens when we stay in our comfort zone? We stagnate.
On January 1st each year, thousands of people create resolutions. I've made my share of these, and by the end of the year, like many people, rather than progressing toward my goals, it was often the SAME resolutions that got placed on the list the following year. Why is it so hard to move forward? Goal setting is only half of the equation. The rest of the story has to do with doing what it takes, even if it means getting a little uncomfortable.
Moving out of the comfort zone requires some some risk at times, but the rewards can be amazing! Recently, I made a decision to get off my backside and do something about digging myself out of a mountain of debt. It took getting pretty intense about my goal AND doing some uncomfortable things to make it happen. From attending financial classes, to selling things I thought I could never part with, to making some real adjustments to my lifestyle, all told, I eliminated over $33,000 in debt in just under two years! Being a single mom definitely made this accomplishment that much sweeter. What I thought was impossible had happened before my eyes, all because I took the leap out of my routine, and into an unfamiliar, challenging place. If I had remained "stagnated" I would be looking once again at adding "Go on a debt diet" to my list of resolutions this year. Thankfully, I can now set my sights on bigger goals and reach even higher!
Forty-four was the number of candles on my cake, as of yesterday. I discovered I share a birthday with The Biggest Loser trainer Jillian Michaels. Talk about someone who pushes people out of their comfort zone! As I sometimes do around my birthday, this year I'm reflecting back, noting the times I've stepped out to take a risk toward personal growth in recent years. Without fail, the successes I've had can be attributed to leaving behind the familiar, often enduring sacrifice, however uncomfortable it may have seemed at the time, but reaping unbelievable rewards.
Opportunities will surface and growth will happen. Motivational speaker Brian Tracy is quoted as saying, "You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new." We all have a zone of safe, familiar territory. We tend to get a little cozy in that place we've created for ourselves, and not want to venture beyond it. However, if we never challenge ourselves how are we supposed to experience personal growth, or achieve our goals in our finances, with weight loss, in business, family relationships, or whatever area of life it may be?
Realize that change takes time. Not only must we be ready to move forward, but we must be patient. My current personal challenge is to get into the best shape of my life, not only financially, but physically and spiritually. I am slowly making lifestyle changes to allow this to happen, and I know that success will come.
Realize that change takes time. Not only must we be ready to move forward, but we must be patient. My current personal challenge is to get into the best shape of my life, not only financially, but physically and spiritually. I am slowly making lifestyle changes to allow this to happen, and I know that success will come.
Take inventory of your goals. When is the last time you stepped out of your comfort zone? Is your pot of water stagnating, or are you willing to stir it? Imagine the possibilities that lay ahead for you if you do!
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